
Writing Prompt- Jessica

Procrastination. I think that's something everyone no matter their hobby or job does. We've all done it and it's especially hard when trying to get into that writing zone when pinterest, netflix, tumblr, reddit or facebook seems to be calling our name sooo invitingly. So something I've started doing to cure this is letting myself get on pinterest or tumlbr however with the purpose in mind of inspiration. I like to browse through photography and gifs to get my creative juices flowing. When I come across a particularly eye catching photo/gif I like to put a story to it (and sometimes read other people's writing prompts helps too) so I'll regularly try to post a few of them on here. Enjoy! - Jessica

The woman paused, gazing at the door doubtfully. Wariness and apprehension filled her as she looked around the deserted street corner. Surely this isn't the right place...? She looked back down at the paper in her hand. Sure enough the address matched that of the ugly, broken building in front of her. She took a deep breath and shouldered her pack before walking up the battered steps. She knew it was too late to go back now. She tried to calm her jittery nerves before gathering the courage to tap on the wooden door. 

 The girl stopped short, the familiar face catching her eye. She hadn't recognized her old companion due to her short hair and completely alien demeanor in the stance and expression of the individual. She held the woman's eyes for a couple of seconds but recognition on the other's part was absent. The expression on her face told of hardship, it was readable in her looks and presence that'd she'd been stretched thin. The old friend she'd once known was gone, whatever remnant was left couldn't be easily salvaged. The look she was receiving told her it was too late to try, she was too far gone. 

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